cover image: Codes, standards, and regulations influencing energy demand : Codes, reglements et normes influençant la demande énergétique



Codes, standards, and regulations influencing energy demand : Codes, reglements et normes influençant la demande énergétique

17 Nov 2008

Its purpose is to promote safety and security, environmental protection and efficient energy infrastructure and markets in the Canadian public interest within the mandate set by Parliament in the regulation of pipelines, energy development and trade. [...] Regulations are primarily designed for improving the energy performance of the worst of the sector’s performers, and establish the minimum energy performance (MEP) of new goods and services coming into the market7. [...] In this way, the average energy performance is represented by the removal of the worst from the market, and the “pull” of newly-established top performers. [...] The pace of this improvement in energy performance, which takes place over years, depends on the extent of regulation and the complementary tools used to encourage the development and adoption of more efficient technologies. [...] Figure 3: Advancing Energy Efficiency Source: Office of Energy Efficiency With the proposed additions and amendments to the Energy Efficiency Act, regulations will be in place for equipment that accounts for 80 percent of the energy used in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors8.
environment energy energy efficiency technology renewable energy economy conservation energy consumption science and technology natural resources consumer goods energy conservation fuel efficiency heating lighting environmental pollution transport fuel economic sector green building emissions energy and resource artificial objects efficient energy use hvac energy star fuel economy in automobiles fuel economy corporate average fuel economy mpg fuel economy standards
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