cover image: Home health services in British Columbia



Home health services in British Columbia

23 Oct 2008

This report focuses on services reflected in stantial policy change in the home health services sector data that are routinely provided by Health Authorities to and in the broader health care system (see Figure 1 for a the BC Ministry of Health Services. [...] At the same time and bearing in mind the limita- more home care and less home support, suggesting tions of the data used in this report, the decline between that home health services now have a greater clinical 1995/96 and 2004/05 in the proportion of seniors receiv- or teaching focus. [...] The Romanow Commission recommended making home care the next Home health services in BC essential service and proposed an expansion of the Can- The origins of home health services in BC ada Health Act to include medically necessary services in Publicly-funded home health services have a 30-year the areas of community mental health services, short- history in BC, dating back to 1978, when the gover [...] The Health Authorities could be served in the community; and received a global budget from the Ministry of Health •. Increasing the number of home care rehabilitation Services, and became responsible for management and and nursing visits. [...] The remainder of this chapter first provides a basic de- scription from the research literature of the users of and Finally, development of new housing and care options trends in use of home health services in Canada.
health health services canada medicine health care home care older people health services for the aged home care services clinical medicine health sciences assisted living general practitioner residential care day surgery frailty syndrome british columbia interior northern interior medically frail northen interior older people with disabilities
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