cover image: Alberta benchmark survey : Community knowledge of child development



Alberta benchmark survey : Community knowledge of child development

2 Oct 2008

Proportion of parents of children with and without special needs that answered at least 50% of knowledge questions 48 correctly by developmental domain: physical, cognitive, social and emotional. [...] Mixed evidence regarding parental knowledge of child development in addition to a lack of evidence about other adults knowledge of child development led to the development of this study. [...] For the purpose of this analysis, respondents were considered parents if they indicated they were parents/guardians of children under 14 years of age at the time of the survey.
health higher education education child care school curriculum child development behavioural sciences family parents students teaching university paternity leave cognitive development cognition health knowledge, attitudes, practice day care college further education teaching and learning daycare questionnaire emotion parent child’s development cognitive developmental children and adults understood


Rikhy, Shivani

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