cover image: Intimate partner abuse against men : Violence à l'égard des hommes dans les relations intimes



Intimate partner abuse against men : Violence à l'égard des hommes dans les relations intimes

2 Nov 2004

The extent of the comparable issue of domestic abuse of men is not as well known and understood by the general public. [...] Respondents were asked 10 questions concerning abuse by their current and/or previous spouses and common-law partners during the 12-month and 5-year periods preceding the telephone interview.1 According to their responses, almost equal proportions of men and women (7% and 8% respectively) had been the victims of intimate partner physical and psychological abuse (18% and 19% respectively). [...] In many studies, the context of the abuse – such as information on the dynamics of Many researchers distinguish between the relationship, the events immediately two types of physical abuse: minor and preceding the abusive act, the meaning severe. [...] The first type refers to acts such as attributed to the abuse, the identity of the shoving, pushing, grabbing or slapping — initiator of the abuse or the motivation for acts that have a relatively low probability the abusive behaviour – is not docu- of causing serious physical pain or injury. [...] Of those some findings on the bi-directionality respondents reporting any and initiation of relationship abuse violence, 67% of women and 49% of have been documented: men identified themselves as initiators; 27% of women and 35% of • Of the 495 American couples in the men identified their partners; and 1995 National Family Violence 6% of women and 14% of men Survey for whom one or more identified
health government education politics domestic violence crime violence aggression behavioural sciences family law men hommes social problem society domestic abuse abuse assault violent psychological concepts abused women abusive abused spousal abuse conflict tactics scale physical abuse causes of death psychological abuse problem behavior intimate partner abuse abused men


Lupri, Eugen

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