cover image: Hip protection in long-term care



Hip protection in long-term care

26 May 2008

The economic model allowed the 2. What is the cost-effectiveness of hip evaluation of hip protector use in LTC facilities protectors to prevent hip fractures for versus no treatment, treatment with alendronate, residents of LTC and assisted or supervised and the combination of hip protectors plus care facilities? [...] Hip protectors appear to be effective at reducing For the primary economic evaluation, the base- the risk of hip fractures in LTC facility residents, case results found that, for the prevention of hip with a relative risk of 0.77. [...] To allow evaluation of hip protectors required (4 and 14), and the hip protectors, three additional variables were relative risk of hip fracture (0.86 — the relative required: the annual cost of hip protectors, the risk from the recent meta-analysis by Parker et relative risk (RR) reduction in hip fractures al.22 excluding cluster trials). [...] The 2005 publication is an The recommendation of the Prevention of hip update to the 2002 version of the guidelines and fracture amongst people aged 65 years and over was reviewed and revised to reflect current best practice evidence-based guideline37 (June evidence. [...] The study concluded that there was Hip Protectors in Long-Term Care: A Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness 6 Review and Primary Economic Evaluation sufficient clinical and economic evidence to The study by van Schoor et al., 200441 was done support the use of hip protectors for the institution- in the Netherlands.
health health facility cost-benefit analysis science and technology aged health economics medical research medicine health care long-term care older people osteoporosis meta-analysis clinical trial hip fractures systematic review health treatment health sciences hip joint adherence (medicine) qaly hip fracture cost–utility analysis relative risk osteoporotic cost-utility analysis
9781897465660 9781897465677
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