cover image: Is participation having an impact?



Is participation having an impact?

14 Jan 2008

Governments and of the Inner City Report, the State of the Inner City other program funders seem to be less interested (SIC) steering committee expressed an interest in in how lives are being affected qualitatively and developing a means of measuring the difficult to how participation in community-based programs measure outcomes of participation in community- might affect the lives of not only par [...] Teaching marginalized groups through a transformative participants about the effects of colonization framework, as it is more inclusive and includes and oppression is integrated into many of the the objective of conducting research that builds 2. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives programs offered and the impact of this model became evident in many of the interviews. [...] We Given the desire for a mixed-method design, also wanted to know if individual participation the research team developed a semi-structured has contributed to a greater understanding of the instrument that integrates measures of social effects of colonization and systemic oppression well-being with narrative, to capture the stories and whether this knowledge has had any impact that are central to [...] This was the experience of one woman, who gradually Participation found the strength to cope: The interview guide was designed to first gather specific information through a series of questions i found out about [the Cbo] through my that would help to determine how participation friend…and she took me up there and i is contributing to individual perceptions of just listened and i was scared to go [...] This gave her the ability One participant explained his perception of the to pass these traditions on to her children: impacts of colonization and the meaning of the i’m gonna get my kids into the pow-wow decolonization process.
health child care psychology culture employment ethics family language philosophy social capital social sciences child program evaluation anxiety community first nations healthier participatory action research community-based social services inner cities emotional health action research feeling sixties scoop rehabs


MacKinnon, Shauna

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