cover image: The effect of mountain pine beetle attack and salvage harvesting on streamflows



The effect of mountain pine beetle attack and salvage harvesting on streamflows

16 Mar 2007

The graph shows the large range of annual runoff in Baker Creek, from year to year, depending on snowfall. [...] The two plots of daily streamflow demonstrate the wide range of peak flows that can occur in Baker Creek from year to year depending on snowpack accumulation and melt rate. [...] The data points are the outputs of the model, before fitting to a line. [...] The upper line (red) is the expected discharge for the scenario being tested. [...] A summary table (Table 2), based on the frequency curves, summarizes the percent change in peak flow at each recurrence interval, the average peak flow change, the change in the timing of the peak event, and the seasonal water yield change for each scenario.
agriculture environment forests wetlands flood conservation water natural resources forest management earth sciences forestry humidity hydrology rivers weather forest watershed management nature drainage basin topography clearcutting disturbance (ecology) mountain pine beetle clearcut hydrograph streamflow snowfall hydrographs clearcuts streamflows
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