cover image: Income security and support for persons with disabilities : Sécurité du revenu et services d'aide pour les personnes handicapées



Income security and support for persons with disabilities : Sécurité du revenu et services d'aide pour les personnes handicapées

9 May 2005

An explicit recommendation for exploration of a universal disability insurance plan, and another for exploration of a mechanism whereby the costs of disability could be met, regardless of income and without regard for the cause of the disability were in the report. [...] Individuals with any disability or set of disabilities, according to this model, would have control over the funds available to him or her for the purchase of goods and services, and the independent S&EP/CLC 21 Research Paper #14 living center would assist the individual in finding the goods and services that best suit the individual. [...] In general, the recommendations to the Premiers identified the requirement for increased co- operation among provincial and territorial governments and between them and the federal government in the design and implementation of programs and policies in the exclusive provincial jurisdiction. [...] While the child poverty initiative moved ahead, in part with the federal catalyst of a transfer announcement in the 1997 federal budget, the disability income initiative seems to have become stalled in the complexity of the issues at stake. [...] The Standing Committee’s responsibilities are expected to be divided, with human rights being added to the mandate of the Standing Committee on Justice, and the Status of Disabled Persons being added to the mandate of the Human Resources committee.
health government education politics economy accessibility disability employment labour persons with disabilities retirement unemployment disability insurance pension disease people with disabilities hearing loss participation rates pension plan further education benefit job canada pension plan affirmative action income maintenance programs workers’ compensation employment equity


Echenberg, Havi

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