cover image: Leading to enable



Leading to enable

29 May 2007

With low unemployment and a looming labour shortage, the City has recog- The City was a founding partner of nized the need to ensure the full inclusion of Vibrant Communities Saint John (VCSJ) and residents in emerging opportunities while shares a common interest with VCSJ in encouraging the development of a community strengthening neighbourhoods. [...] Local officials with Service Canada With its goal of assisting individuals and recognize the rising expectations on the households to move out of poverty, VCSJ is Government of Canada to respond more com- helping to guide the efforts of residents of prehensively to community needs. [...] Secondary Education, Training and Labour, both point to a collaborative spirit and a shared sense that “this is our community.” The importance of commitment and innovation These officials are all leaders within their organizations, finding ways to direct Many of the successes of departments government systems to community priorities. [...] Crescent Valley MLA Trevor working – an approach that positions the long- Holder, formerly the Minister of the Environ- term well-being of a community at the centre, ment, saw his role as a politician both to and that sees investment as a tool to achieve a participate on the Crescent Valley Planning community’s vision. [...] The New Brunswick vision of Crescent Valley residents for a new Department of Post-Secondary Education, community centre, as identified by the Survey Training and Labour successfully allocated Action Team and by the community during a research funds to support the Education to SpeakOut event spearheaded by VCSJ and Employment Working Group and the Crescent the Survey Action Team?.
economic development government education politics economy school poverty municipal government curriculum empowerment canada adolescence community development employment labour public-private sector cooperation community further education teaching and learning canada mortgage and housing corporation human development (humanity)


Bulthuis, Mike

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