cover image: Converting and generalizing maps into compact Scalable Vector Graphics format



Converting and generalizing maps into compact Scalable Vector Graphics format

24 Apr 2006

The conversion process is based on the combination of modified Douglas- Peuker and dictionary based compression algorithms, and keeps the topology of reduced geographical features. [...] For the last ten years, two elements have largely contributed to increase the number of cartographic applications on Internet: the recent developments in interactive and dynamic cartography and the development of Internet technologies such as DHTML, Internet mapping technologies and vector formats for Internet. [...] Mathematically, the problem of reducing the size of polygonal lines is equivalent to the problem of piecewise linear curve approximation. [...] The principal aim of these algorithms is to produce the same visual representation of a map with a reduced number of polygonal points. [...] Figure 2 - The problem of contiguous polygons during the generalization process Figure 3 - The problem of different direction of polygon during the generalization process 8 To avoid the first problem we have to split polygons into chains of polygonal lines.
science and technology media digital mapping geography mathematics software computing and information technology areas of computer science computing computer data data compression polygonal chain lz77 lossless gzip lz77 and lz78 image compression valera petkevitch svg lossless compression converting and generalizing maps into compact scalable vector graphics format scalable vector graphics image processing lz77 algorithm lzw lempel–ziv–welch compression


Petkevitch, Valera

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