cover image: Our cities, our future



Our cities, our future

26 May 2006

Cities are caught on the front line between the citizens of Canada and the cause and effects of federal and This paper offers practical solutions to resolve the fiscal provincial/territorial government policies and priorities: what imbalance that exists for municipalities. [...] Big City Mayors’ CauCus addressing the fiscal imbalance in canadian cities 20 s e c t i o n. t h r e e :. e c o n o m i c s. o f. c i t i e s c i t i e s :. c l u s t e r s. o f. The following example from the Montreal Metropolitan i n n o Va t i o n. a n d. Community (CMM) is demonstrative of the innovation and e c o n o M i c. i n i t i a t i V e s partnership that is taking place in cities acro [...] The municipal role in cluster development The result of municipal investment and engagement is a strong has the potential to be enhanced by the sharing of revenues entrepreneurial base of networked and interdependent firms. [...] Big City Mayors’ CauCus addressing the fiscal imbalance in canadian cities 30 s e c t i o n. f o u r :. a d d r e s s i n g. t h e m u n i c i p a l. f i s c a l. i m b a l a n c e c i t i e s :. c o P i n g. w i t h. t h e. The federal and provincial/territorial c o n s e q u e n c e s — b u t. b a r e ly governments’ efforts to balance their budgets are often achieved at the expense of Over the
health environment government education air pollution economy brownfields canada business economic growth employment law municipal finance transport unemployment homelessness business cluster emissions government budget jobs affordable housing cluster further education competition (companies) tax base intergovernmental tax relations revenue sharing brownfield land income gap clusters
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