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Report on seniors' falls in Canada : Seniors' falls in Canada

27 Oct 2005

The findings of these stud- the scope and nature of seniors’ falls and the ies formed the basis of A best practices guide evidence for best practices for prevention. [...] The subsequent launch of a partnership between Health Report on Seniors’ falls in Canada 9 2 The scope of the problem A comprehensive overview of the nature year, serious enough to limit their normal and scope of seniors’ injuries in Canada was activities. [...] Based on the self-reports, the Definitions and data rate of injurious falls increased with age and Revisions to codes in the International the rates for women exceeded the rates for Classification of Diseases (changes from men in all age groups. [...] As mentioned Contrary to the data for fall-related hospi- previously, the majority of the injuries to a talizations for all seniors age 65 and over, major joint, femur or pelvis are likely associ- if a senior lived in residential care, the older ated with hip fractures, which are shown in the person was, the shorter the hospital stay other studies to contribute up to 40% of all and the average len [...] This is basis, there was a statistically significant consistent with findings in the CIHI study increase in the rate of deaths due to falls of severe injuries, showing that the majority from 1997-1999 to 2000-2002 and the rate of these occurred on stairs and steps.25 of deaths due to falls increased with age in By comparison, where a fall occurred out- both time periods.
health rehabilitation recovery public health psychology ageing alcoholism diet exercise medicine pharmacology best practice older people therapy hip fractures clinical medicine balance society chronic condition injury government health care canadian institute for health information library and museum benzodiazepine fall prevention falls (accidents) in old age hip fracture cochrane (organisation) alprazolam icd 9 balance (ability) falls in older adults
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