cover image: Protocols for stillbirth investigation



Protocols for stillbirth investigation

16 Dec 2005

The outer epithelial layer of the chorion is derived from the tropoblast Chromosome analysis (karyotype): a picture of the chromosomes of an individual arranged in a standard manner so that abnormalities of chromosome number or form can be identified Cytogenetics: the study of the structure of chromosomes. [...] The idea of combining the number of stillbirths and early neonatal deaths was originally developed in the latter half of the last century to minimize variations in the classification between live births and stillbirths. [...] Generally, the interval between death and spontaneous expulsion of the fetus varies inversely with gestational age such that the earlier in the pregnancy the death occurs the longer the fetus is retained in utero. [...] The decision to undertake a test or examination is influenced by many factors including the financial cost, the ease with which the test can be done, the sensitivity and specificity of the test, the effect of missing a positive result, and legal issues.17,18,35 Timing is also important in such decisions.39. [...] HTA Report #36 October 2005 7 It has been stated that the prognostic ability of the fetal autopsy is related to the quality of the examination and the expertise and knowledge of the pathologist.17,22,50.
health biology childbirth fetus genetics literature medicine medical diagnosis paediatrics low birth weight fetal death gestational age autopsy clinical medicine stillbirth placenta health sciences virus disease diseases and conditions retrovirus obstetrics/gynaecology pathologist stillbirths stillborn antepartum


Corabian, Paula

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