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Social sciences and humanities in health research

26 Jul 2005

The discrete Likewise, the social organization of health care, ac- disciplines within the social sciences are in fact all cess to and costs of health-care services, and the parts of one general subject matter: the social be- formation of health policies have attracted the at- 6. HEALTH RESEARCH IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES The discrete disciplines within the social sciences are in fact al [...] The must be employed for the betterment of our society, new program of the FRSQ, created in 2002-2003, whether this be in the understanding of health fac- includes a Health and Society program, which has tors, in the development of preventive approaches, as a primary objective to promote sustainable in the design of diagnostic methods, treatments, groupings among researchers in the fields of so- a [...] The FRSQ has also redesigned its assessment With the introduction of the new Québec mechanisms to adapt them to the new clientele it Policy on Science and Innovation, the FRSQ was is supporting in the fields that deal with the social given a mandate to expand its mission to conform determinants of health and the health of popula- to this new Policy.
health public health health economics medical care medicine social sciences sociology health care natural science
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