cover image: Child mental health and human capital accumulation



Child mental health and human capital accumulation

31 Mar 2004

Given the differences in the design of the two studies, and the large amounts of missing data in the NLSY, we use the NLSY data to see how the average hyperactivity score measured over the 1990 to 1994 period affects the average outcomes of children in the 1998 and 2000 waves. [...] In the NLSCY data, the teachers and parents of all children aged 4 through 11 in 1994 were asked a series of 8 questions taken from both the Montreal Longitudinal Survey and the Ontario Child Health Study (we list the questions in the data appendix). [...] The 13 In the U. S., the scores are standardized using national norms for children of the same sex and age. [...] These various models allow us to investigate the robustness of the estimated effects of ADHD on future outcomes to alternative assumptions about functional form, and to compare the estimated effects in the U. S. and Canada. [...] The robustness of these effects is investigated further in Table 4. The first panel of Table 4 repeats the OLS estimates of the effects of hyperactivity and income from Table 2. The second panel presents IV estimates in which the teacher hyperactivity scores are instrumented using the parent reports (F-statistics for our first-stage are reported in the notes to the table).
health education school poverty psychology behavioural sciences juvenile delinquency medicine special education depression therapy substance abuse further education drug mental disorder teaching and learning health treatment mental and behavioural disorder diseases and conditions attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd ordinary least squares attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder mental health problems child mental health hyperactive r-squared hyperactivity interaction (statistics) psychiatric treatment


Currie, Janet M

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