cover image: What We Heard Report



What We Heard Report

30 Aug 2018

What We Heard Report 11 181+164++62.617+1526++1.8+++++z+1.2+45+ Theme: Reconciliation The public comments we received are strongly “Not only is adhering to UNDRIP a matter of in support of the Province’s commitment social justice and living up to our international to revitalize the EA process as part of the obligations, it would help get all potential conflicts commitment to implement the UN Decla [...] We’re encouraged to see ensure that the new process provides opportunity that the majority of the public is in support for meaningful public engagement with local of the proposed changes to make it easier to communities, especially First Nations. [...] Generally speaking, Overall, we support the objectives driving the there is support for the majority of the “ BC Government’s review of environmental proposed changes to B. C.’s EA process, notably assessment (EA) processes including enhancing the proposed process steps and goals of the public confidence; advancing reconciliation revitalized process. [...] We’ll be engaging the public, Indigenous to meaningfully participate in the process, and protecting the nations and stakeholders on the proposed regulations as they’re environment while providing clear pathways to sustainable project developed to make sure we continue to put forward practical approvals.
environment sustainability compliance public participation mining environmental assessment science and technology environmental impact assessment consensus culture decision-making ethics human activities first nations environmental assessments consensus decision-making regulatory compliance public engagement cumulative impacts decisions
Published in
Vancouver, BC, CA

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