cover image: Sustainable Trade in Tarantulas /



Sustainable Trade in Tarantulas /

20 Jun 2017

The information contained herein is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the governments of Canada, Mexico or the United States of America. [...] Body length Longitudinal measurement from the front of the chelicerae to the end of the abdomen. [...] Wildlife Enforcement Directorate (WED) of ECCC under the authority of the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Semarnat meets its mandate through the activities of a Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act number of sub-entities within the Secretariat, including (WAPPRIITA) and the Wild Animal and Plant Trade Reg- the following (Reuter, in litt.): ulations (WAPTR). [...] The purposes of integration of SUMA, and the inclusion, establishment, UMA are the restoration, protection, maintenance, recov- management and operation of the UMAs (DOF 2014). [...] The morphological terms used to describe the different species in the following descriptions are defined in the Glossary and Figure 1. The IUCN Red List Categories, and categories for species at risk in Mexico and the United States referenced in this section are defined in Appendix A. Sustainable Trade in Tarantulas: Action Plan for North America 11 Aphonopelma pallidum (F.
environment esa habitat conservation natural resources biology endangered species ethics commission for environmental cooperation nature endangered endangered species act of 1973 natural environment cites conservation status b. hamorii brachypelma hamorii iucn red list arthropod leg brachypelma smithi brachypelma b. smithi glossary of spider terms
Published in
Montreal, QC, CA

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