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How to Build a Skills Lab

16 Jun 2017

This type of structure will The purpose of the skills lab, then, is not “ensure impartiality” and avoid “the perception of in question: who could argue against the undue federal government influence.”10 Beyond collection of better and more comprehensive this point, however, the proposed governance information to guide program development, structure of the organization becomes the testing of existi [...] It also cites The Advisory Council’s report, of course, is a the Canadian Institute for Health Information recommendation, not policy — having proposed (CIHI) as a useful governance model, drawing the idea of the skills lab, it is arguably fair for attention to the role of provinces and territories the advisors to leave the details of how to in its funding and therefore to the fact that CIHI make [...] At the same the skills lab will be mandated by and will time, the federal government had the opportunity formally report back to a federal department, in the budget to signal clearly that its own vision or whether it is to be co-created and run with of the skills lab is one of an institution whose joint oversight by the 14 federal, provincial and governance is shared with the provinces and territo [...] This is In anticipating the reluctance of at least precisely want happened in 2003 when the federal some provinces to work with the skills lab, it government launched the Canadian Council is important to avoid falling into the trap of on Learning (CCL), a similar initiative intended assuming that this would stem from some to boost the development of human capital in Canada through the gathering an [...] The Advisory Council’s report makes this clear when it proposes a role for the skills lab in the development of college and university programs, the creation of school curriculum, the development of foundational skills “early in life,” the establishment of “a coherent national approach” to “linking degrees and credentials to skills and competencies,” and more generally “establishing an education s
government education politics economy school governance science and technology canada employment labour unemployment university board of directors employment insurance jobs further education job unemployed non-profit canadian institute for health information government of canada nonprofit organization mowat centre long-form census social research and demonstration corporation
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Toronto, ON, CA

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