cover image: From NAFTA to CETA




6 Feb 2017

Recognizing the steps Canada and the U. S. have alrea- dy taken to require cost-benefit assessments and the use of “best available science” before establishing new rules, the RCC is to align “also the activities associated with the application of regulations (testing procedu- res, inspection and certification activities, etc), and to accept and recognize the work done in each other’s jurisdiction. [...] Canada, for example, makes greater use of hazard and exposure criteria in its listing decisions, and plans to Canada used to be a leader in the assessment of the toxi- scrutinize more than 4,000 high-risk chemicals of the city of chemicals in commercial use, earning praise from 23,000 substances allowed into commerce without a consumer groups for the toxics provisions of the Canadi- proper assessm [...] The revised health, and for regulating in a way that was too slanted in TSCA in the U. S. incorporates positive Canadian and some support of industry.18 As in other areas, like biotechnology, European features that improve the risk assessment pro- Canada’s regulatory decisions on chemicals are reliant on cess used by the EPA.21 But, from a consumer and health industry data, are made in a non-trans [...] The report recommends the establishment of a “dashboard that industry stakeholders can use to track the agendas and progress of bilateral partnerships between Canadian and U. S. regulatory agencies,” and to provide input to regulators. [...] CETA requires the RCF to adopt terms GMOs and asbestos import bans, and against European of reference and procedures at its first meeting, to meet restrictions on the use of hormones in raising animals at least once annually, and to report to the CETA Joint for human consumption.35 Canadian agricultural expor- Committee on the implementation of the regulatory ters and food processors see regulator
health european union government politics food environmental protection agency pesticide economy business chemicals culture free trade globalization lobbying economic sector nafta north american free trade agreement human activities bisphenol a comprehensive economic and trade agreement regulatory cooperation council tsca custom duty ariffs
Published in
Ottawa, ON, CA

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