cover image: Future to Discover



Future to Discover

29 Jun 2016

Changes since the last report: The additional year covered by this report generated very little change in the scale or pattern of the impacts that the tested interventions produced. [...] The analysts’ subjective assessment of the importance of each change in outcomes brought about by each impact, relative to the ‘normal’ level of the outcome observed in the control group, is indicated with darker shading for greater importance. [...] Within the new series of reports on New Brunswick, in which this report is the second, this reports adds one more year to the fourth year post-secondary impacts of the first report (Ford et al., 2014). [...] Social Research and Demonstration Corporation 7 Future to Discover: Fifth Year Post-secondary Impacts Report Overview of Future to Discover’s research samples and outcomes of interest Research samples New Brunswick has two separate education systems for Francophone and Anglophone students, the former serves approximately half the number of students as the latter. [...] In the interests of brevity, the report focuses on the impacts described in the first three rows which compare impacts of the interventions relative to the normal career education and student aid experiences of students (the “counterfactual”) and do not include results comparing one type of intervention to another.
higher education education school poverty science and technology research regression analysis students university apprenticeship college resilience further education new brunswick high schools teaching and learning apprentices high school dropouts dropping out sample size determination s.e
Published in
Ottawa, ON, CA

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