cover image: Fluopyram /



Fluopyram /

3 May 2016

Under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has concluded that the registration of the new end-use products Luna Sensation, containing technical grade fluopyram and trifloxystrobin, and Velum Prime, containing technical grade fluopyram, and the addition of new uses on various commodities to the product labels of Luna Privilege, containing technical grade fluopyram, Luna Tranquility Fungicide, containing technical grade fluopyram and pyrimethanil, and Propulse Fungicide, containing technical grade fluopyram and prothioconazole, are acceptable. The specific uses approved in Canada are detailed on the label of the new end-use products Luna Sensation and Velum Prime, and the registered end-use products Luna Privilege, Luna Tranquility Fungicide and Propulse Fungicide, Pest Control Products Act Registration Number 32107, 32108, 30509, 30510 and 30511, respectively. The evaluation of these fluopyram applications indicated that the end-use products have value and the human health and environmental risks associated with the new uses are acceptable.
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