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CMEC Aboriginal Educators' Symposium : Aboriginal Educators' Symposium

16 Jun 2016

The evening event included a welcome ceremony to honour the Elders in attendance, a blessing and offering to the land and the water, words of welcome from local chiefs and dignitaries, a traditional dinner of fish and bannock, and entertainment by local NT artists. [...] Marie Wilson, one of the three commissioners of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRCC), was invited to address the guests and share the commission’s work and findings. [...] Educators’ Symposium: Summary Report Opening Ceremonies Out of respect for the cultural and spiritual background of the invited Aboriginal educators and the people of the Northwest Territories, symposium participants, together with education ministers and representatives from education ministries and departments from across Canada, were invited to the opening ceremonies at the Northwest Territorie [...] Based upon the guidance received from Elders, it was especially important to open the event in a way that would respect and honour the participants, the process, and the issues. [...] Educators’ Symposium: Summary Report 13 Welcome to Ministers and CMEC Officials On the afternoon of the second day, ministers of education and CMEC officials were invited to join the symposium for final thoughts, culminating activities, and to hear directly from Aboriginal educators from their jurisdictions.
education school curriculum science and technology psychology canada indians of north america culture conflict resolution philosophy students teachers cognition strategies community inclusion further education teaching and learning residential schools native peoples canadian indian residential school system first nations competence (human resources) first nation mentorship leaders competency mi’kmaw indigenous education yellowknives indian teachers
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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