cover image: Refinement of information relating to ecologically and biologically significant areas (EBSAs) identified in the Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) bioregion / : Science response : refinement of NL EBSAs



Refinement of information relating to ecologically and biologically significant areas (EBSAs) identified in the Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) bioregion / : Science response : refinement of NL EBSAs

6 Jun 2016

The Oceans Program in the NL Region sought identification and/or clarification of the particular sub areas for each EBSA identified in the NL Bioregion. [...] For both of these processes, the EBSAs were described with the inclusion of a corresponding map, however the data layers that were used to aid in the identification processes were not specifically requested, and in the case of the LOMA EBSAs, the subcomponents were not geospatially identified or described in detail. [...] This may be a reference to the general pattern that cod spend their summers on the shelf and then move to the edges along the slope in the winter. [...] With no reference to a particular area along the shelf, a note was included in the atlas to indicate the importance of the shelf edge for cod migration. [...] Initially the marine mammal spatial layer covered a section of the tail of the banks and the northeast shelf slope, but was modified to include the shelf edge connecting the two areas.
oceans environment mpas conservation water natural resources atlantic ocean biological diversity biology geography oceanography ecosystem nature convention on biological diversity aquatic ecosystems habitats conservation biology natural science esri arcgis atlantic cod marine protected area capelin ecoregion bioregion arcgis explorer
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