cover image: Making it simple



Making it simple

14 Mar 2016

The federal government from the list of recipients of the GPT24 effective commissioned a study by The Nielsen Company28 January 1st, 2015, though a handful of these to determine the impact of the tariff cut. [...] The stated Given the increasing importance of lower-cost goal of the policy was not to reduce regulatory imports in the Canadian production of goods burdens, but rather to see a reduction in that are subsequently exported, the Government consumer prices: of Canada should study the feasibility and the In order to lower prices for Canadian families, consequences of unilaterally eliminating its Econo [...] The complexity of the 9948.00.00 item came to light during 2013’s iPod tax dispute, where a set of electronics importers were retroactively assessed $16 million in back tariffs on the import of televisions and MP3 players as the CBSA had determined that the products did not meet the requirements of the 9948.00.00 tariff and that importers lacked the necessary end-use certificates proving that thes
tariff competition economic policy


Moffatt, Mike

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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