cover image: A threat to stability? : Islamic extremism and fundamentalism in Indonesia



A threat to stability? : Islamic extremism and fundamentalism in Indonesia

16 Mar 2016

ISLAMIC EXTREMISM AND FUNDAMENTALISM IN INDONESIA Jacques Bertrand and Jessica Soedirgo Copyright © 2016 by the Centre for International Governance Innovation The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Centre for International Governance Innovation or its Board of Directors. [...] The capacity of the in Indonesia reached its height in the early 2000s, with security apparatus has markedly improved, leading to radicalized groups participating in religious conflicts in the crippling of terrorist networks. [...] While Muslim fundamentalists and extremists are a part of Indonesia’s religious and political landscape, this paper’s The political place of Islam in Indonesia has been a point of contention since the founding of Indonesia as a country in 1945. [...] In addition to implementing measures the terrorist group responsible for the Bali bombings and that severely limited the political space of Islamic parties with links to al-Qaeda, were the descendants of original DI and organizations, the regime was able to easily get rid of members. [...] ISLAMIC ExTREMISM AND FUNDAMENTALISM IN INDONESIA of the New Order, it was the Christian-Muslim conflicts raise funds, and recruit and train members for warfare in Maluku and Poso that attracted the participation of without much difficulty.
islam radicalism islamic fundamentalism islam and politics


Bertrand, Jacques, Soedirgo, Jessica

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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