cover image: Mergers, plant openings and closings of large transnational and other enterprises : Fusions, ouvertures et fermetures d'usines des grandes entreprises transnationales et autres : analyse des industries manufacturières et minières canadiennes selon le contrôle, 1970-1976



Mergers, plant openings and closings of large transnational and other enterprises : Fusions, ouvertures et fermetures d'usines des grandes entreprises transnationales et autres : analyse des industries manufacturières et minières canadiennes selon le contrôle, 1970-1976

17 Jul 2013

Importance des acquisitions Acquisitions and Births et des creations d'usines In TNE Plant Expansion 30 dans l'accroissement des usines ETN 30 4. Merger Activity and Births By 4. Fusions et creations selon la Sub-periods and Plant Size 31 sous-période et la taille de l'usine 31 4.1. [...] Crandes ETN en 1976 105 7. Importance of Surviving, Non-sur- 7. Importance des entreprises survivantes, viving, and New Enterprises from non survivantes et nouvelles de 1970-1976 1970-1976 by Plant Status, Region selon la situation de l'usine, la region and Control 107 et le contr6le 107 8. Importance In 1976 of Acquisitions 8. Importance en 1976 des acquisitions et and Births of New Plants Betwee [...] Section 3 deals with plant births, deaths La section 3 traite des creations, des dispari- and merger activity in the leading 100 firms tions et des fusions d'usines chez les 100 pre- and in the 557 largest TNE's operating in mières firmes et les 557 plus grandes ETN des S ianufacturing and mining in Canada. [...] Dans cette partie on a their country of control before and after fait une classification recoupêe des fusions the mergers, to determine the extent of selon le contr6le avant et après la fusion afin foreign takeovers of previously Canadian de determiner l'ampleur des prises de contrle controlled plants in relation to foreign étrangères d'usines auparavant sous contrôle takeovers of plants that were [...] Section 8 the concluding part of the report, La section 8, qui eat la conclusion de ce docu- is devoted to providing a brief description ment, contient une breve description de Ia metho- of the methodology employed, the coverage of dologie utilisee, do champ d'observation et les the study and defines the terminology used.
foreign direct investment manufacturing industry canada business management corporations mergers and acquisitions mining industry multinational corporations statistics canada quebec companies takeover
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