cover image: Foreign prices & exchange rates, 1924 : Foreign prices and exchange rates, 1924



Foreign prices & exchange rates, 1924 : Foreign prices and exchange rates, 1924

21 Aug 2013

The higher level of prices at the end of the year was due in most oases to the rise in the prices of foodstuffs combined with better purchasing power and a more hop.e.fu1/8't. [...] The chief exCeptions ::ere the building and textile industries ). the former of vhlch was.oroperous throughout the whole year, while the latter was In a depressed cona.ition during the first rJne or ten months, but showea improvement at the end of the year. [...] The fall in oil and gasoline prices, which commenced early in the year and was not arrested until the and of It, also h16 to account for the downward movement of the index In this group. [...] Th event of the year vhih caused most optimism r axtins the future 'vas the acceptance of the Dawee proposals and the flotation of the loans in connection tharev:itb. [...] The clearing up of the Ruhr situation, the imoroved uclitical situation brought about cv the Dawes scheme xu the further advance in currency reform in the su.
united kingdom food economy mining recession inflation tariff cotton exports exchange rates investments labour prices unemployment wool mortgage great depression credit and debt pound sterling fixed exchange-rate system peg foreign payments rentemark
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