cover image: Follow-up on internal audit : CF188 Hornet system engineering support contract (SESC)



Follow-up on internal audit : CF188 Hornet system engineering support contract (SESC)

17 Aug 2010

An implementation status of the MAP items can be found in Annex A and the original MAP from the August 2007 CF188 SESC audit report is included in Annex B. Chief Review Services 2/9 Reviewed by CRS in accordance with the Access to Information Act (AIA). [...] In order to initiate the third-party audit,5 the Director Aerospace Equipment Program Management (Fighters and Trainers) (DAEPMFT) and DAP have recently requested the CA to make this audit a priority and have agreed to assist in funding the audit. [...] As well, the volume of the adjustments decreased from 43 percent to 21 percent of the recorded dollar value of the vendor-held DND inventories. [...] To address the inventory adjustment concerns, the NDQAR supply technician was directed in June 2009 to authorize adjustments before the vendor enters the transaction in the CFSS. [...] As recommended, DND contract managers have participated in the rate negotiation meetings between the vendor and the Crown for the CF188 Hornet SESC.
government economics finance science and technology accounting audit business contracts employment engineering labour maintenance contract economic sector military aircraft manufacturing and engineering aerospace freedom of information laws by country auditor's report access to information act modernization
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