cover image: A summary of herring tagging in 4VWX, 1998 to 2003 : Résumé des études d'étiquetage du hareng de 4VWX



A summary of herring tagging in 4VWX, 1998 to 2003 : Résumé des études d'étiquetage du hareng de 4VWX

2 Mar 2004

The purpose of this project is to investigate the seasonal movements and migration of herring in the Bay of Fundy with the long term goal of providing information on stock structure. [...] In the fall of 2002, the Fundy Weir Fishermen Association, in partnership with the New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Connors Brothers Ltd., the Grand Manan Fishermen's Association and Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, initiated a second herring tagging study focusing on weir fish. [...] The percentage of tag returns from fish tagged on the overwintering grounds was at the lower end of the expected range (1%). [...] A high number of returns were from unknown locations or from close to the site of application, but additional recoveries were made from the Nova Scotia side of the Bay of Fundy, Browns and Georges Banks, Chebucto Head and U. S. waters. [...] Recent changes in fishing activity, including the resurgence of a fishery on Georges ank, the decline in the number of active weirs in the Bay of Fundy and the increase in e number of aquaculture sites, have prompted scientists and industry to re-evaluate sues relating to the Bay of Fundy herring stocks.
oceans agriculture aquaculture water fish fishing fishing area fisheries management new brunswick fish and humans fisheries resources salt water fish herring fish migration gulf of maine bay of fundy grand manan n.s campobello island bay of fundy
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