cover image: Special review decision



Special review decision

15 Dec 2015

Special Review Decision Pursuant to subsection 17(2) of the Pest Control Products Act, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) initiated a special review of pest control products containing quintozene based on decisions taken by the European Commission in 2000 and by Switzerland in 1998. [...] The PMRA evaluated the aspects of concern that prompted the special review in accordance with the subsection 18(4) of the Pest Control Products Act. [...] The proposed special review decision was published for consultation in the Re-evaluation Note REV2014-07, Special Review of Quintozene: Proposed Decision for Consultation and it outlines the Agency’s proposed decision and the reasons for it. [...] Therefore, the PMRA, under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, is confirming the current registration of technical grade active ingredient products containing quintozene in Canada. [...] PMRA Response When a special review is initiated under subsection 17(2) of the Pest Control Products Act, the PMRA carries out an analysis of the available information from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries (where the pesticide is prohibited) to identify the aspect(s) of concern related to the prohibition.
health agriculture environment risk assessment pesticides pesticide safety chemicals pest control environmental pollution risk toxicity social issues risks occupational safety and health hazard
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