cover image: The Static Factors Assessment (SFA) of the intake assessment process and returns to custody for sex offenders /



The Static Factors Assessment (SFA) of the intake assessment process and returns to custody for sex offenders /

31 Mar 2015

The Static Factors Assessment (SFA) works just as The overall population included 8,767 offenders, of well, if not better, for sex offenders compared to non- whom 1,317 had a current or prior sex or sex-related sex offenders, even though sex offenders offence. [...] Outcomes included returns to custody without a new This was particularly true of the Criminal History offence within 8 months of release (to ensure Record (CHR) subscale, which outperformed the adequate sample size with follow-up data while on overall SFA rating with strong relationships to all community supervision; n = 1,118 sex offenders and outcomes among sex offenders. [...] Additionally, five-year rates of The AUC was used as the effect size statistic to returns to custody for sex offenders were 17% for any examine the relationship between the SFA and new offence and 9% for a new violent offence (for returns to custody. [...] From the table, the overall SFA rating and the Criminal History and Offence Severity subscales were Relationship between SFA and Returns to Custody significantly related to returns to custody for both sex (Presented with AUC Values) offenders and non-sex offenders, with small to large. [...] In most analyses, the relationships offenders offenders were stronger for sex offenders compared to non-sex SFA overall rating offenders.
health prison crime criminal justice research criminal law criminology justice law law enforcement sexual offences criminal record rate of return crime, law and justice deviance (sociology) punishment (criminal) effect size inmates sex offender investigation (criminal)
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