cover image: The conservation of heritage interiors : Conservation des intérieurs patrimoniaux



The conservation of heritage interiors : Conservation des intérieurs patrimoniaux

10 Jul 2013

The membership in the kind of team proposed in the The conservation assessment can be used as a model for New Orleans Charter has been discussed elsewhere,' but the way that each member of the team prepares for full strategies for making the process work have not, at least participation in the process. [...] Physical observations are of course impor- Many different courses of action can contribute to the tant, but the more knotty issues related to personalities and same end; the conservator must be one part of the ongoing capabilities are just as important in judging the potential decision-making process in order to provide the best pro- of the institution to carry out projects. [...] Assuring the Le rôle des évaluations de conservation engagement of a variety of professionals in such a process et la Charte de la Nouvelle-Orléans can be difficult, and a great deal of thought must go into the creation of the team, the choice of the professions to Le s évaluations de conse rvation d' ouvrage s d' architecture be represented and the individuals to represent them, the et de collect [...] The flxtures were carefully amanged in Oae might assume that the numerous lelters concerrring conceIt with the natural light from the ceiling to illuminate this matter and the subseqr"renl redesign that transpired the murals in very specific ways. [...] Sargenf's conception of the the reliel contributed to the e{fec1."'' This astute observa- murals and the halI ciemands that the planning and imple- tiol underscores the necessity for a firll understanding of mellaiion of lht: restoratiol be approached from an enlight- the subtle nuarces and el'fects that S;rrgent was crealing ened perspectivc.
environment education conservation curriculum science and technology decision-making ethics jury philosophy museum further education teaching and learning artificial objects expert juror preservation (library and archival science) collections management (museum) collections management conservation-restoration of cultural heritage top-down and bottom-up design unethical jury members heritage buildings
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