cover image: Banquereau Bank Arctic surfclam



Banquereau Bank Arctic surfclam

19 Jul 2005

In the Atlantic This fishery started in response to developmental there are commercial fisheries on Banquereau and surveys in the 1980s on the Scotian Shelf, which Grand Bank, and small inshore fisheries off showed a large biomass of this species on southwest Nova Scotia, and in the Gulf of St. [...] These clams are slow growing and long conducted on both Banquereau Bank and Grand Bank lived, the oldest aged to date was over 56 years by large freezer processor vessels under a single old and the largest was 157 mm. [...] The the unharvested population on Banquereau Bank TAC on Banquereau Bank has been 30,000 t since reaches 40 years of age. [...] The fishery targets clams in the 10-15 Effort on Banquereau declined until 1992, when all year old age range and the main market is for the fishing took place on Grand Bank. [...] Since then, effort foot portion of the clam which goes to the sushi and landings on Banquereau Bank have increased to and surimi market in Japan.
oceans agriculture environment fisheries aquaculture water atlantic ocean fish fishing industry fishing oceanography fisheries management fish and humans the maritimes primary sector of the economy aquatic vertebrates
Published in
Dartmouth, N.S

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