cover image: Richmond landfill 1996 pollution prevention plan : Summary technical report



Richmond landfill 1996 pollution prevention plan : Summary technical report

3 Jun 1998

The land to the north is also in the ALR and is used for agricultural purposes. [...] The results of the survey indicate that two parts of the landfill are producing methane gas probably from the decomposition of woodwaste and also from peat decomposition. [...] The north portion of the site is part of the Agricultural Land Reserve and consists of 150 acres of undeveloped land. [...] DOC SECTION 7.0 POLLUTION PREVENTION OPTIONS SECTION 7.0 POLLUTION PREVENTION OPTIONS 7.1 INTRODUCTION In accordance with the GVRD’s regional objective to reduce the landfilling of residuals by 50% by the year 2000 from the base year of 1990, it is the goal of the Richmond Landfill to optimize the recovery of materials from the materials entering the landfill. [...] The following P2 options have been developed to address the opportunities identified during the environmental review and assessment of the landfill operations.
environment hazardous waste recycling reuse environmental protection water environmental impact assessment natural resources chemicals cogeneration compost concrete environmental monitoring groundwater environmental pollution rivers waste management ecosystem nature disposal artificial objects economy, business and finance aquifer recycle biosolids recyclables composting recycled materials composted
Published in
North Vancouver

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