cover image: A review of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) monitoring surveys in Hecate Strait, March-July 2002 : Examen des relevés de surveillance de la morue du Pacifique (Gadus macrocephalus) dans le détroit d'Hécate (mars à juillet 2002)



A review of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) monitoring surveys in Hecate Strait, March-July 2002 : Examen des relevés de surveillance de la morue du Pacifique (Gadus macrocephalus) dans le détroit d'Hécate (mars à juillet 2002)

1 May 2003

This document describes the design of the monitoring program and the results of the first year of operation. [...] The target sample size was determined based on the observed variation in annual commercial CPUE data from the selected sampling areas and the predicted change in stock size from the most recent assessment. [...] Index The index of relative abundance computed from the survey data is the stratified mean catch per unit effort weighted by the number of trawlable locations in each stratum. [...] The principle survey index of stratified mean CPUE (kg/hr) is presented in Table 3. The average CPUE was highest in the Two Peaks/Butterworth area in each month, and the 8 highest CPUE in this area was recorded in May. [...] The means and standard deviations of the bootstrap estimates were similar to the stratified means and standard deviations indicating little bias in the estimators.
fish fishing fishing area fisheries management stratification mean fish and humans fisheries resources survey methodology salt water fish fishing trawler sample size total allowable catches sampling (statistics) aquatic vertebrates random sample sample size determination stratified sampling stern trawler f/v sampling theory hippoglossus stenolepis otter trawl
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