cover image: From a single seed : Il n'aura fallu qu'une seule graine - l'odyssée heureuse du blé Marquis au Canada depuis ses origines en Ukraine



From a single seed : Il n'aura fallu qu'une seule graine - l'odyssée heureuse du blé Marquis au Canada depuis ses origines en Ukraine

6 Nov 2015

He began with the Red Fife story, the annals of Canadian spring wheat breeding, and the story of the settlement and development of Western Canada. [...] They are encoded in the gene set of the chromosomes in the nucleus of the wheat cell. [...] In the first half of the nineteenth century the cultivation of grain in Western Europe and the New World (America and Australia) was in its infancy. [...] The kernel consists of four parts: the seed coat (pericarp), the fruit coat (aleurone layer), the endosperm, and the germ, or embryo. [...] The proportions and arrangements of the components determine the hardness or softness of the kernel.
wheat western ukraine
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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